
Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: An Urgent & Necessary Prerequisite to Learning:

National/New Education Policy 2020 announced & published by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt of India focuses on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: An Urgent & Necessary Prerequisite to Learning. It is mentioned in the policy that:

The ability to read and write, and perform basic operations with numbers, is a necessary foundation and an indispensable prerequisite for all future schooling and lifelong learning. However, various governmental, as well as non-governmental surveys, indicate that we are currently in a learning crisis: a large proportion of students currently in elementary school - estimated to be over 5 crore in number - have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy, i.e., the ability to read and comprehend basic text and the ability to carry out basic addition and subtraction with Indian numerals.


Post Covid there are surveys done by NGO’s at state & national level which says that,

Learning loss in language:

  • 92% of children on an average have lost at least one specific language ability from the previous year across all classes,
  • These specific abilities include describing a picture or their experiences orally; reading familiar words; reading with comprehension; writing simple sentences based on a picture.
  • 92% of children in class 2, 89% in class 3, 90% in class 4, 95% in class 5, and 93% in class 6 have lost at least one specific ability from the previous year

Instructor trained on better teaching methods


Instructor trained on better teaching methods


Instructor trained on better teaching methods


Instructor trained on better teaching methods

Learning loss in mathematics:

  • 82% of children on average have lost at least one specific mathematical ability from the previous year across all classes.
  • Illustratively, these specific abilities include identifying single- and two-digit numbers; performing arithmetic operations; using basic arithmetic operations for solving problems; describing 2D/3D shapes; reading and drawing inferences from data.
  • 67% of children in class 2, 76% in class 3, 85% in class 4, 89% in class 5, and 89% in class 6 has lost at least one specific ability from the previous year.

Regrettably, in the present day, numerous students are struggling to effectively read and comprehend letters and words, while a significant portion of students can read but lack the motivation to engage in reading. The issue of deficiencies in reading, writing, and fundamental language and numeracy skills is prevalent in both primary and secondary education levels.


Praj Foundation has undertaken a project focused on educating children attending Zilla Parishad government schools, Ashramshala, and low-income private schools in rural and tribal areas of Maharashtra. The target demographic for this initiative includes students ranging from 1st to 7th grade, depending on the specific needs of each community.

A detailed baseline survey is conducted to assess the children's proficiency in basic language and numerical skills. Based on the survey results, the students are grouped according to their skill levels. The project includes various components such as teacher training, which emphasizes child pedagogy and equips teachers with effective teaching techniques. Onsite support is also provided to teachers, along with the formation of peer learning groups to encourage collaboration among students.

To make learning more engaging, the project incorporates activity-based and joyful learning methods. Additionally, teachers undergo assessments to enhance their skills and mindset. Progress tracking is carried out through midline and end-line surveys to ensure that the children achieve foundational literacy and numeracy skills by the end of the program.

Intervention areas:

Region No. of schools / Ashramshala No. of teachers No. of children Implementation partner
Indapur block (Pune) 50 (Zilla Parishad schools) 100 2500 Centre for Youth Development & Activities (CYDA)
Ambegaon block (Pune) 44 (Zilla Parishad schools) 100 4000 Sikshana Foundation
Nira (Boundary of Pune and Satara district) 3 Ashramshala of children who belong to nomadic tribe communities 30 600 Suprabhat Mahila Mandal
Nira 5 schools of Someshwar trust 30 1000 Quality Education & Support Trust (QUEST)
Nandurbar 3 schools of Paschim Kshetra Bhilla Seva Mandal 35 2000 Quality Education & Support Trust (QUEST)
Khalapur block of Raigad district 14-15 Zilla Parishad Primary Schools 30 700-800 Swaarka Foundation

Project Outcomes (Indapur FLN project):
3rd std:

4th std:


Instructor trained on better teaching methods


Instructor trained on better teaching methods


Instructor trained on better teaching methods


Instructor trained on better teaching methods

Entrepreneurship Development Program:

Praj Foundation is closely associated with Vigyan Ashram, Pabal since 2009. The partnership started with upgrading their food lab & testing (Microbiology lab) facility. Then, the Introduction to Basic Technology (IBT) course was implemented in 16 schools all over Maharashtra to make it a “Model IBT School” to demonstrate Hub & spoke model. Many deserving underprivileged students from tribal areas of Maharashtra were supported to undergo the Diploma In Basic Rural Technology (DBRT) course. From Covid period, the focus is on training the rural youth in establishing enterprises which are suitable for rural settings like fabrication, Welding, poultry, electricians, plumbing etc. Rural youth are trained, and handholding is done by Vigyan Ashram till the enterprise is settled. In a period of 3-4 years 150+ enterprises are established, and the number is still increasing. This partnership has largely benefitted youth and a trend is set by Praj Foundation in reverse migration.

For testimonials and more information about the project, you may refer below link:

  • Number of youths trained (During past 5 Yrs)
  • Rural youth benefited with skill training: 250+
  • Rural youth benefited with Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP): 1049
  • Number of rural enterprise created: 150+
  • High School students benefited through introduction to basic technology (IBT program): 2800+
  • High school instructor trained (IBT program): 60+
  • Number of students benefiting with infrastructure upgradation : 500/ Year

The training programs offered cover a wide range of topics such as carpeting, plumbing, fabrication, welding, electrical work, agriculture and animal husbandry, baking, various agricultural businesses, civil engineering, microbiology, and a variety of other versatile skills courses.

List of Social Activities