Effluent Treatment
Praj is a name you can rely on when it comes to treatment of challenging effluent generated as a result of chemical reactions. Based on the feedstock and environmental norms of a country, effluent treatment differs from region to region. Praj offers customized zero liquid discharge systems for sustainable ethanol production.
ZLD solutions for sugary feedstock
- EcoMet XT biomethanation system followed by composting/secondary and tertiary treatment
- Ecomet UF anaerobic biological system for treatment of process condensate/spent lees
- Ecovap evaporation system for concentration of spent wash/vinasse
- Ecovap evaporation system followed by incineration

ZLD solutions for starchy feedstock
- EcoMet XT biomethanation system for slops
- Ecovap evaporation system followed by drying for production of distillers dry grains and solubles (DDGS)
- Ecovap evaporation system for production of syrup and wet cake as animal feed